March Meeting Minute Highlights
Columbia Audubon Society
Board of Directors Meeting
March 15, 2023
Meeting conducted at Unitarian Universalist Church
Present: Lori Turner, Eric Seaman, Shelby Thomas, Eric Wood, Louise Flenner, Greg Leonard, Lottie Bushmann, Jim Gast
Time called to order: 6:00 pm.
Treasurer’s Report
The budget will include $3500 to send two teachers to Hog Island. Comments will be taken prior to approval of the proposed budget before 6/1/2023
Jim Gast moves we accept the March Treasurer’s Report. Eric Wood seconds the motion. The motion carries.
Nature Areas
John Besser was unable to attend this meeting, but sent information re: Nature Areas:
- Off-street parking area at Wild Haven is now open after installation of a second gate (thanks to Bill Mees and David Neely)
- The Nature Areas committee is looking into removal of trash from (pre-Audubon era) dumps at Wild Haven, with the assistance of Riley Nichols and his tractor. The challenge is getting the heavy items through the woods to the road or they can be off-loaded. Once we have scoped out the problem, we expect to send out an email requesting volunteers to help haul the trash.
- Received a request for use of the Wild Haven shelter for a child’s birthday party. John replied that use of the picnic shelter is on a first-come, first served basis and is not normally reservable, except for Audubon sponsored activities. The request is for the weekend of April 22-23, John told them to avoid conflicts with the CAS field trip at Wild Haven on Saturday morning, April 22.
- John has been working with Joanna Reuter who is preparing a new map of Wild Haven and the hiking trail network.
- Jim Gast reports he met with Sarah Kendrick who is working on a project to monitor chimney swifts. They discussed the chimney swift tower at Wild Haven. It would require clearing out woody plants that have grown up around it.
Field Trips
- All remaining field trips are posted to the website and The Chat.
- Lottie continues to lead First Friday walks or finds someone to do so if she is unable.
- Co-leader needed for John’s Kiwanis Park field trip.
- Self-guided moss walk was launched. Have received positive feedback.
- Eric Wood reported the GBBC feeder crawl had 13 people and visited six sites.
- March First Friday walk drew only 3 people and lasted ½ hour due to miserable weather
- The 3/28 Timberdoodle Trek will have special attendees: a producer from KBIA and members of the Missouri Young Birders Club
Two teachers from Columbia are going to Hog Island this year.
Nominating Committee
Roxie Campbell contacted several people to try to find someone to accept nomination for board member at large with no success.
Eric Wood has agreed to run for a second term.
Jim Gast moves Eric Wood should be nominated for board member at large. Greg Leonard seconds the motion. Motion carries.
At the April general membership meeting we will have an election with candidate Eric Wood and any candidates nominated from the floor.
New Business
There will be a roundtable discussion of the regional Audubon Societies of Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri on March 30. Lori Turner, Judy Lincoln and Allison Vaughn will attend by zoom.
Discussed the possibility of recording membership meetings on Zoom. Will need to see if Kevin Wehner thinks we can do it. Decided to table this for now.
Discussed recent name changes that were done by some Audubon groups who are choosing to drop the Audubon name from their organization. The board decided to keep the name of Columbia Audubon Society.
Meeting adjourned at 6:55.
MARCH 15, 2023
Meeting held at Unitarian Universalist Church
Time called to order: 7:05 pm.
Lori Turner opened the meeting welcoming everyone. She reported the following:
- CAS is looking for someone to co-lead a field trip at Kiwanis Park on 5/10/23. If interested, email Eric at
- A local family donated 200+ acres of land to Parks and Rec to establish a natural area similar to CANS. CAS is asking members to show up to support this donation and to keep it as a natural area. The meeting is at the ARC at 7:00 tomorrow.
Lori introduced Carl Gerhardt who is tonight’s presenter. He is showing video of birds of Australia. His presentation was stunning as the birds are gorgeous and his videographic ability is outstanding. Tonight’s video will be posted to YouTube sometime over the next 2 weeks. Carl answered questions from the members.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Archived Minutes:
- Meeting Minutes for December 15, 2021
- Meeting Minutes for November 16, 2021
- Meeting Minutes for October 20, 2021
- Meeting Minutes for September 19, 2021
- Meeting Minutes for September 15, 2021
- Meeting Minutes for August 18, 2021
- Meeting Minutes for May 19, 2021
- Meeting Minutes for April 20, 2021 and April 23, 2021
- Meeting Minutes for March 16, 2021
- Meeting Minutes for March 16, 2021
- Meeting Minutes for February 16, 2021
- Meeting Minutes for January 19, 2021
- Meeting Minutes for December 16, 2020
- Meeting Minutes for November 17, 2020
- Meeting Minutes for October 21, 2020
- Meeting Minutes for September 15, 2020
- Meeting Minutes for August 19, 2020
- Meeting Minutes for July 15, 2020
- Meeting Minutes for June 17, 2020
- Meeting Minutes for May 13, 2020
- Meeting Minutes for April 15, 2020
- Meeting Minutes for March 18, 2020
- E-mail Vote, February 21–27, 2020
- Meeting Minutes for February 19, 2020
- Meeting Minutes for January 15, 2020
- Meeting Minutes, November 14, 2018
- Meeting Minutes, October 17, 2018
- Meeting Minutes, August 29, 2018
- Meeting Minutes, April 18, 2018
- Meeting Minutes, March 21, 2018
- Meeting Minutes, February 21, 2018
- Meeting Minutes, January 17, 2018