October 17, 2018

President John Besser called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.

Present:  John Besser, Bill Mees, Lottie Bushmann, Lori Turner, Eric Seaman, Greg Leonard, Eric Wood, Laura Hillman, Allison Vaughn, Doug Miller, Nancy Bedan, and guest Edge Wade

Minutes:  Nancy B will send corrected minutes from the Aug. 29 meeting for approval at the November board meeting. The board did not have a quorum at the Sept. 19 meeting, and there are no minutes.

Treasurer’s Report:  Eric S noted that the annual report is due in mid-January, and he will ask other board members for information to complete the report. Bill M asked if funds in the State Farm Money Market account should be moved to the CAS Foundation investment account, managed by the Community Foundation of Mid-Missouri, where they might generate more income. Eric S will review that suggestion and make a recommendation at the November meeting.

John B reported that Missouri River Bird Observatory (MRBO) representatives were surprised and pleased to receive the $1,000 donation from CAS, which was approved by the board in August. John presented the check to Dana Ripper on Oct. 8 during the Band With Nature field trip.

CoMoGives:  Nancy B reported that the CAS CoMoGives Committee is developing a variety of e-mail messages to send during the December campaign, as well as postcard, which could be mailed to members and previous donors. The committee is asking members and supporters to help out with the fund drive this year by making pledges of support online or by sponsoring their own “sub-fundraisers” for family and friends, such as a birder’s brunch or feeder-watch party with guests who agree to donate to CAS through CoMoGives. The committee has also agreed to spend $100 to purchase five Facebook posts, which will help our Facebook messages reach people outside of CAS’ closed Facebook group.

CAS 60th Anniversary Celebration:  Lottie B reported on the CAS 60th anniversary celebration committee’s Oct. 15 meeting and activities. The committee, chaired by Jan Mees, recommends holding the event on Friday, April 26, 2019, at the Boone County Historical Society. The event is envisioned as a “happy hour” party with drinks and heavy hors d’oeuvres and a program about the history of CAS; an estimated 75 members and invited guests would attend. Related events, such as an open house at Columbia Audubon Nature Sanctuary and a program for children at the public library, are also being considered. The committee is looking into the possibility of bringing John J. Audubon “enactor” Brian Fox to Columbia for celebration events; Jan is checking with other organizations to see if they would be interested in co-sponsoring and sharing the cost of his program.

Lottie B invited board members to share their thoughts about the April 26 event. Allison V suggested preparing a Power Point presentation about CAS history and having a speaker. Other ideas included 1) creating a visual timeline with photos, 2) asking Joan Stack if the State Historical Society would consider displaying Audubon prints at the event; and 3) securing sponsors for the event to keep costs down. Edge Wade, present for the meeting, reminded board members that Jeanne Barr had started a history of the organization; John B/Bill M have the materials.

Laura H moved (Eric W seconded) to pay the Boone County Historical Society $135 to reserve the space for the April 26, 2019, event. Motion approved without dissent. (Total cost of the rental is $270.)

2018 Band with Nature:  Bill M reported that two of the three days were held as planned; Friday’s program was cancelled because of weather. The program went well on Monday and Thursday, with 830 second-graders, teachers and parents participating.  Bill will meet with representatives of the event partners—MRBO, Raptor Rehab and CPS—on Dec. 12 to talk about how to improve the event next year. Mike Szydlowski is collecting feedback from teachers and kids, which we can use in CoMoGives appeals. Bill will have information about event finances at the next meeting.

Presentation by Edge Wade:  Long-time CAS member Edge Wade urged the board to resume the practice of reporting on the just-completed board meeting at the beginning of the general meeting and program. Taking 3-5 minutes at beginning of the meeting to update members will help them feel connected to what the board is doing, she said. She also suggested 1) bringing back an old tradition of starting the general meeting by asking members if they’ve “seen any good birds lately,” and 2) passing out the treasurer’s report at each meeting.

Edge also encouraged the board to strengthen its efforts to support and engage youth. In addition to Band with Nature and the CAS partnership with CPS, CAS has in the past given birding kits to fourth-grade classrooms and sponsored students who want to attend birding events, she noted. There is no publicized process, however, for students to apply for financial assistance to attend the Audubon Hog Island camp or the American Birding Association Young Birder Camps. The board should work to make students aware that there is financial support available to attend these events and that they can apply by filling out a form.

Board members discussed the possibility of creating a formal grant program and how to recruit applicants; opportunities to support efforts already under way such as the MRBO young birders group; and how to incorporate a “needs-based” approach into the program.

CHAT:  Eric R will not be able to produce the December issue. Doug M will compile the submitted articles. Members suggested including a link to the recent “Missourian” article on the Oct. 14 Big Sit field day at Eagle Bluffs.

Education-Outreach: Lottie B reported that she and Lisa Schenker are planning two children’s programs at the Columbia Public Library—“Feathers” on Jan. 13 and “Bird Migration” on March 10.

Field Trips:  Eric W reviewed the upcoming field trip calendar through Jan. 1 and asked for leaders for open dates in November and December.

The meeting was adjourned at 7 p.m.