August 21, 2019
President John Besser called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Present: John Besser, Nancy Bedan, Bill Mees, Eric Wood, Greg Leonard, Eric Reuter, Lottie Bushmann, Laura Hillman, Doug Miller, Allison Vaughn
Minutes: Bill M asked that the minutes be corrected to clarify that CAS “previously received” a five-year certificate from the Columbia Public Schools Partners in Education program. John B moved (Bill M seconded) approval of the May 15 minutes as amended. Motion approved without dissent.
Treasurer’s Report: Eric S was not able to attend but provided the financial statements by e-mail. Bill M reported that he and Doug M have purchased a new projector and two small external speakers for CAS for $853.65. The board agreed to make CAS’ old projector and laptop available to anyone who could make good use of them.
CoMoGives: Nancy B reported that the 2019 CoMoGives Committee (Doug M, Eric S, Bill M, Lori Hagglund, Nancy B, John B) met on Aug. 7, and she invited other board members to join the committee. The committee has set a donor goal of 90 and a dollar goal of $10,000 for the 2019 fundraiser. Nancy B also noted that Doug, Lori and Bill will attend the CoMoGives training session on Sept. 5 and that the committee has started discussing appeal messages. She asked each board member to consider asking five or ten friends to pledge $1 or 50 cents to CAS through CoMoGives for each species the member IDs during the annual Christmas Bird Count. Or, board members could pledge to contact five or ten friends during the CoMoGives drive and encourage them to support CAS with the minimum $10 donation. She noted that a permanent interpretive sign at CANS would help explain what CAS does with its CoMoGives donations.
She also reported that there will be 136 organizations participating in CoMoGives this year, up from 122 in 2018. The online “Leaderboard” will show the Top 20 organizations this year, instead of the Top 10. The 2019 CoMoGives campaign will start on Dec. 1 as usual, because “Giving Tuesday” falls on Dec. 3 this year.
Field Trips: Eric R discussed his goals for the 2019-10 CAS field trip program, noting that he would like to offer field trips on weekdays as well as weekends to engage more leaders; continue to partner with other organizations like Greenbelt Land Trust; offer field trips led by graduate students and focused on their areas of study; and offer an educational, beginner trip each month at various local parks. He would like to post a “best practices” information sheet for field trip leaders on the CAS website. Eric asked if CAS has a liability policy that covers field trips; John B said CAS does have liability insurance, but he suggested contacting Eris S for more information.
Eric R presented plans for a “Hawk Watch Happy Hour” on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 4-6 p.m., at Pressed rooftop bar, which has an excellent balcony for birdwatching. He said that Joanna R has been working with e-Bird data to determine the best times and places to see certain birds. The data show that the third and fourth weeks in September are good times to see Broad-winged Hawks, which could be visible from the Pressed balcony. He is planning trips through mid-October now and needs leaders for Sept. 21 and 22 trips, as well as a Sept. 14 trip to Prairie Garden Trust for the regular Second Saturday Stroll event. He is also looking for people to lead weekday walks in town parks.
“Chat” Newsletter: Eric R, reporting for new editor Joanna R, said that newsletter deadlines will remain the 25th of the month. She is planning to include a regular “sightings” feature about what birds members are seeing.
Programs: Bill M reported on programs planned for 2019-20 (see attachment). Edge Wade is presenting the Sept. 18 program on her birding trips to Florida, India, Brazil and Panama. In October, CPS Science Coordinator Mike Szydlowski will speak on Fairview Elementary’s new place-based nature curriculum and the Nature School, which will be constructed on the Water’s property. Bill said Mike has offered to host the October meeting at Fairview Elementary School. Bill asked for board input on the day and location of the annual May picnic. Board members discussed the advantages of holding the picnic at CANS and Wild Haven.
Board Vacancy: John B reported that CAS is still searching for candidates for the board seat formerly filled by Lori Turner. A note about the vacancy will be placed in the Chat again.
New Business:
Lottie and Lisa also are planning to provide children’s programs at the Columbia Public Library this winter.
Doug M proposed that CAS identify specific projects for the funds received through CoMoGives, such as the proposed improvements at Wild Haven and interpretive signs at CANS. Lottie B noted that interpretive signs at CANS would be very helpful to Fairview Elementary teachers as they implement the school’s place-based curriculum. Allison V is available to help develop the interpretive signs.
Nancy B said that she will be unable to attend the Sept. 18 CAS Board meeting and asked for a volunteer to fill in as secretary and take minutes.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Columbia Audubon Society
2019-2020 Programs
September 18, 2019
Edge Wade will talk about her trips to Florida, India, Brazil and Panama
October 16, 2019
Mike Szydlowski will speak on the new place-based nature curriculum at Fairview Elementary School and the “Nature School” on the Water’s family property.
November 20, 2019
Margy Terpstra: Why our yards are so important to the full life-cycle conservation of our native birds.
December 14, 2019
Christmas Bird Count
January 15, 2020
Sarah Kendrick: State Ornithologist Updates
February 19, 2020
Bill Palmer will share his knowledge from four trips to Magee Marsh including tips for those who might visit the marsh.
March 18, 2020
Robin Hirsch-Jacobson, Associate Professor of Biology, William Woods University: topic to be determined
April 15, 2020
Mike Powell, Executive Director, Greenbelt Land Trust of Mid-Missouri: Greenbelt–what we do, with data from Cornell Ornithology Lab regarding land trusts and bird conservation
May ??, 2020
Columbia Audubon Society year ends with pot-luck picnic. Date, time and location to be determined.