APRIL 18, 2018

President Hillman called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.

Present were Lori Hagglund, Laura Hillman, Kris Hagglund, Lori Turner, John Besser, Allison Vaughn, Eric Wood, Bill Mees, Lottie Bushmann, and Eric Reuter.

Society Minutes:

The minutes from the board meeting of March 21, 2018 were reviewed.

Motion by Kris H:

Move that the minutes be approved as written. Seconded by Bill M and approved without dissent.

Treasurer’s Report:

Minor changes were made to the proposed 2018/2019 CAS budget. The donation goal for the 2018 CoMo Gives program was reduced from $6000 to $5000 and funding to send a representative to the National Audubon Society meeting was deemed unnecessary and withdrawn. The amount allocated for the fall Band With Nature program was determined to be too high at $3800 and was decreased to $2800.

Motion by John B:

Move that the $1000 that had been over-budgeted for Band With Nature be donated instead to the Missouri River Bird Observatory (MRBO) in support of their educational programs. Seconded by Kris H and passed without dissent.

Motion by John B:

Move that the resulting budget be approved as amended. Seconded by Eric W and passed without dissent.

Voting procedures for the slate of officers for 2018/2019 were discussed. It was agreed that there would be a call for nominations from the floor followed by a voice vote.

Migratory Bird Count:

Laura H reported that volunteers are still needed for areas 4 and 13.  Allison V agreed to help with area 13, and Eric R said he will post a notice on the CAS website requesting volunteers for area 4.


A “Dig In” is scheduled for 9 a.m. on April 28th to plant 200 tree seedlings at the Columbia Audubon Nature Sanctuary (CANS) on the south side of Scott’s Branch Trail.

Property owners near Wild Haven have expressed concern about trespassers driving all-terrain vehicles across the area. The question of potential CAS liability in the case of negative outcomes resulting from this activity was discussed and the possibility of having the land officially surveyed and boundaries clearly marked was considered. The importance of maintaining good relations with our neighbors in this remote area was recognized. It was decided that John B should draft a letter to contiguous landowners addressing the problem and inviting them to come to the picnic that will be held next month at Wild Haven. John B will also hold workdays at Wild Haven on the afternoons of May 6th and 13th to clean up the area in preparation for this picnic.

Future Programs:

The May meeting is the potluck picnic at Wild Haven on Wednesday the 16th.

Education Committee:

Lottie B has scheduled children’s birding programs at the Daniel Boone Regional Library (DBRL) for June 2nd and 9th. Lisa Schenker will assist with these. Lottie B will obtain further information about MRBO’s Flying Wild workshop for teachers to be held in August 2018, and determine how best to recruit teachers for CAS sponsorship to the event. Eric and Joanna R plan to present an Introduction to Birdsong program for adults at the DBRL in July 2018.

Field Trips:

Eric R reported that some attendees at February’s book club—style meeting said that they would like to participate in CAS field trips but have conflicts with Saturday morning scheduling. He proposed holding a series of evening walks during the summer, as well as some at other times and perhaps in coordination with events such as the Columbia Farmer’s Market. He and Joanna R would be willing to lead some of these.

John B has a beginning birder field trip scheduled at the 3M Wetlands area from 1-4 p.m. on April 29th and Eric W has a field trip planned to the Pine Ridge Campground in May. It was stressed that adequate signage for the latter event will be important for those who may not be familiar with the area.

Bill M reported that Fairview Elementary School in Columbia is scheduled to be converted to a nature school with place-based learning, starting with the 4th and 5th grades in the fall of 2019. Younger grades will then be phased in over time. The proximity of Fairview Park, Bonnie View Nature Area, and CANS were important in the selection of Fairview for this designation. It was agreed that this presents an excellent opportunity for CAS involvement.

CAS member Donna Brunet requested and received approval from the board to begin work on an interactive learning app for CANS based on one that has been created at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The board meeting was adjourned at 7 p.m.  Approximately 25 people attended the general meeting, at which the proposed slate of board members was approved on a unanimous voice vote. Henry and Lorna Domke then gave a presentation entitled “Sharing the Magic of Nature at the Prairie Garden Trust.”