AUGUST 16, 2017
President Hillman called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Present were Laura Hillman, Doug Miller, Eric Reuter, Eric Seaman, Eric Wood, Bill Mees, John Besser, Nancy Bedan, Lottie Bushmann, Lori Hagglund, and Kris Hagglund.
Motion by Kris Hagglund:
That the minutes from the July 19, 2017 meeting be accepted as written. Seconded by Doug Miller and passed without dissent.
New Business:
A solicitation from the Missouri River Bird Observatory (MRBO) for a financial contribution to help fund their educational efforts was discussed.
Motion by Doug Miller:
That a one-time donation of $1,000 be made to MRBO from the CAS Jeffries fund, which is designated for educational purposes. Further discussion clarified that this donation will not affect the Society’s regular yearly support for educational trips by teachers and students from our membership area. Seconded by Kris Hagglund and passed without dissent.
Old Business:
Website Changes: Doug M signed the contract with MayeCreate Design for construction of the new Society website and the project is now underway. The final cost came to $3564.00. Half this amount was paid upfront and the remainder will be paid when the project is complete.
Changes to CAS Meeting Structure: John B researched the meeting schedules of other Missouri Audubon chapters. He found that a variety of events were held, including bird walks, plant sales, and a raptor identification program. Other board members suggested additional possibilities for gatherings such as a binoculars/spotting scopes workshop, a technology workshop, and a book discussion group.
It was decided that input into the nature of future meetings should be sought from the general membership before definite plans are made. To this end, President Hillman will introduce the topic in her column for the September CHAT. Then, the first meeting of the year will be held on Sunday, September 17, 2017 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the Columbia Audubon Nature Sanctuary/Bonnie View Nature Area. It will include a guided bird walk followed by a discussion session.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori Hagglund, Secretary