SEPTEMBER 20, 2017
President Hillman called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Present were Laura Hillman, Kris Hagglund, Lori Hagglund, Nancy Bedan, Bill Mees, Eric Seaman, John Besser. Lottie Bushmann, Allison Vaughn, Eric Wood, and Douglas Miller.
Old Business:
New Meeting Structure: The feedback obtained from Society members who attended the bird walk and open forum held on Sunday, September 17, 2017 was discussed. It was generally agreed that a desire for new birder outreach and education was expressed by the membership, as well as a preference for participatory events over presentations. The inclusion of family activities and more weekend scheduling was also mentioned, as well as a desire for a “new member guide” of some sort.
Meeting plans for the 2017/2018 Society year were discussed with these suggestions in mind. It was decided that an optics, field guides, and apps mentoring session would be held on October 18, 2017 at the Unitarian Universalist Church from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Board members put forth a number of ideas for other meetings/events and Vice-President John B is working on finalizing the rest of the schedule.
New Business:
Congratulations were given to Bill M on his selection to be the new Society representative to the Missouri Bird Conservation Initiative (MoBCI).
Columbia Audubon Nature Sanctuary (CANS) Prairie Restoration Project, Phase B: Bill M reported that approximately 14 acres of land on the west side of CANS could be converted from fescue fields to native prairie over the next few years. This land comprises primarily Society property, with a few acres each owned by the City of Columbia and Garland Russell.
The renovation process could begin this winter with the removal of selected trees and brush, using funds remaining from the original MoBCI grant as needed. The next step would be to submit a follow-up grant proposal to MoBCI in September 2018 to fund proposed seeding of the new area in December 2019.
Bill M suggested that volunteer seed collection be limited this time to that which can be gathered from the existing CANS prairie, with the remainder of the seed to be purchased from a reliable source.
Motion by Kris H:
That the Society begin removing undesirable trees and shrubs on the additional 14 acres at CANS in cooperation with the City of Columbia and Mr. Russell using funds remaining from the initial MoBCI grant, and that all further work await the outcome of the next MoBCI grant application.
Seconded by Nancy B and passed without dissent.
CoMo Gives Committee:
Nancy B reported that the CoMo Gives Committee is scheduled to meet on September 26th and again on October 24th. A generic email address for the Society has been provided in the giving guide. Laura H agreed to respond to any emails forwarded from that address.
Nancy B proposed that the Society be nominated for the City Mayor’s Climate Protection Agreement Award under its Environmental Stewardship category. The board agreed and she will proceed with the application process.
Education Committee:
Lottie B reported that three children attended her kid’s birding program at the Columbia Public Library on September 17, 2017. The number was smaller than hoped, but the attendees were enthusiastic. In addition, library staff informed her that inquiries had been received regarding the possibility of a similar program for adults.
Lottie B also reported that the scholarship information for Hog Island is to be sent out to eligible teachers soon.
Nancy B reported that she and Janet Lindstrom recently gave a presentation on bluebirds at The Bluffs to about two dozen enthusiastic residents.
Field Trips:
Eric W reported that several upcoming field trips have been scheduled, including a Big Sit at Eagle Bluffs on October 7th. These will be published in the upcoming CHAT.
The meeting was adjourned at 7 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lori Hagglund, Secretary