May 15, 2019
President John Besser called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Present: John Besser, Nancy Bedan, Lottie Bushmann, Greg Leonard, Bill Mees, Eric Reuter, Eric Seaman, Lori Turner, Eric Wood
Minutes: Bill M moved (Eric W seconded) approval of the March 20 minutes. Motion approved without dissent.
60th Anniversary Celebration: The board reviewed the celebration financial report compiled by Jan Mees and thanked Jan for chairing the event committee. It was noted that CAS has a new member as a result of the 60th anniversary celebration.
Annual Picnic: The board reviewed plans for the picnic scheduled for May 18 at the Bonnie View Nature Sanctuary shelter. It was noted that the last e-mail announcement about the picnic did not have the correct time for the morning bird walk. Eric R will correct the information and re-send the message. The message also will clarify that CAS will not provide food for the picnic and that those attending should plan to bring a main course, side or dessert to share.
2019-20 Budget: The amount allocated for teacher and students grants will be increased to $6,000 in 2019-20 from $4,200 in the current budget. Bill M commented that CAS’ chances of receiving a grant from the Missouri Bird Conservation Initiative will be small in 2019-20, because there are more applicants and fewer funds available. Bill M moved (Lori T seconded) approval of the 2019-20 budget. Motion approved without dissent.
Treasurer’s Report: The board reviewed the treasurer’s report.
Board/Officer Positions: Lori T is completing the final year of her three-year board term. She has contacted a potential replacement, and she has another possible candidate in mind if the first person declines. The position of “Chat” editor is also open for 2019-20; Joanna Reuter has offered to assume that role if no one else volunteers this summer. Nancy B moved (Bill M seconded) that we accept Joanna R’s offer to be “Chat” editor, if no one else volunteers for the job and Joanna is still willing to serve. Motion approved without dissent. Eric W is stepping down as field trip chair, and Eric R may be interested in filling that position if no one else volunteers. John B will summarize the board and committee vacancies in a year-end report for the newsletter.
New Business:
Bill M moved (Greg L seconded) to adjourn. Motion approved without dissent.