OCTOBER 19, 2022

Present: Lori Turner, Judy Lincoln, Louise Flenner, Eric Seaman, Greg Leonard, Jim Gast, Lottie Bushmann, John Besser

Time called to order: 6:11 pm.

Previous Minutes

Jim Gast moves we accept the September 2022 minutes as written. Louise Flenner seconds the motion. The motion carries

Treasurers report

Eric Seaman reports we have received $4200 in local memberships. We donated $3550 to the SELVA project.

John Besser moves we accept the Treasurer’s report. Greg Leonard seconds the motion. The mo-tion carries.

Committee Reports

Nature Areas

• John Besser reports the Crepuscular Creep was cancelled by the City of Columbia for this year, but will return next year.
• CAS has received a donation of a barn owl box. The Board had some discussion about where to mount it. No decision was made. The Children’s Area is being considered.
• John Besser reports the trails at Wild Haven are in good shape.
• Bill Mees and John Besser have decided to spray the prairie patch at Wild Haven one more year before spreading seed.
• Bill Mees met with Dave Ditner regarding installing a plaque at CANS to mark the 200 year old White Oak tree that grows there to commemorate Columbia’s bicentennial.


• The registry for access to MU Agriculture Research Sites has opened for permit registration. Some CAS members have already registered and Greg Leonard has hang tags to give them to-night. Missouri Birding Society formed the registry and it is open to all birders. Applicants who agree to adhere to all the rules receive a numbered hangtag permit that identifies them and should be displayed while on all Research Area properties.

Field Trips

• Jefferson City birders are having a field trip this weekend at Binder Lake. CAS members could join them. An email will be sent to the membership with details.
• No one has volunteered to be Field Trip Coordinator yet. Lori Turner sent emails to Donna Reed and Jean Neely requesting that they consider volunteering for this position.
• Lori Turner reports that Eric Reuter would like to lead four field trips. One would be Birding Without Binoculars on Nov. 27 at CANS; One on Jan. 15 at Grindstone Park; and two at Rocky Fork Lake in March and May to see woodcocks and whippoorwills.
• Louise Flenner has suggested a self-guided moss hike be developed at Wild Haven. This could be combined with a birding field trip. Lori Turner suggested we use QR codes posted at the site so people can access the hike and possibly other activities at Wild Haven. Louise will work on developing the description of the hike. Nancy Bedan had offered to help with this project.


• Dee Dokken has stepped down as Conservation Chair. She wrote a letter about the regulations that the Planning and Zoning Committee is working on and this will be shared with the Board. She will continue to keep us informed, but not attend meetings.

2022 CoMoGives Fundraiser

• Photos for the postcards were submitted by Betsy Garret and Kathleen Anderson. Doug Mil-ler will print the post cards and addresses when they are made and send them out the begin-ning of December.


• All programs are set for a while.


• Lottie Bushmann reported on several education activities with school children:
Sept. 29/30 – Lesa Schenker and Lottie met with 5th graders.
Oct. 4 – Lottie continued to build a special relationship with children in the second grade at Rockbridge Elementary. Read a story about Blue Jays.
Oct. 6 – Lottie and Lisa met with Anna Kleinsorge’s class at Grant Elementary
Oct. 20 – Lottie will help with a program for children sponsored by Missouri River Relief at Bonnie View.
Oct. 29 – Lottie is getting involved with the young birders club through MRBO. She will take this group of teens to 3M to bird. She will send a write up to the newsletter.

• Lottie has sent out the Hog Island applications and has already reserved 3 slots.

Old Business

• Kevin Wehner suggests the club purchase a MacBook Air for their new computer.
• An email went out today about the hangtags for visiting research areas.

New Business

• Lori received an email from the National Audubon Society for the region of Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota suggesting we communicate with each other. Dee Dokken will call and talk to him about communication with National.
• Lori reports Danielle Fox invited CAS to a meet and greet on Nov. 16. This conflicts with our regularly scheduled meeting and we will decline.
• Lori sent out emails seeking auditing help for June 21 – May 22. She has not received any replies. A suggestion was made to check with Boyd Terry. Lori will follow up on this.
• Gary Moreau contacted Lori re locking up a property for a conservation easement. The Board discussed this request and agreed this is not something we do.
• Lori asked if there are any ideas of what CAS could do about feral cats. This has been tabled for now as a “hot” topic.

Next Meeting

The next board meeting is scheduled for November 16 at 6:00 pm. Meeting will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church. A sign up sheet for food was initiated. Louise Flenner will bring food to this meeting.


Jim Gast moves that we adjourn the board meeting. Judy Lincoln seconds the motion. The mo-tion carries. The meeting is adjourned at 7:10 pm.

OCTOBER 19, 2022

Meeting held at Unitarian Universalist Church

Time called to order: 7:15 pm.

Lori Turner introduced herself as the new President of CAS and welcomed the members to to-nights meeting. She introduced Lottie Bushmann as the presenter for the program on using ebird.

Lottie used an overhead projection of her own ebird site to point out the basics and some inter-esting areas that are available on ebird. She showed members how to download ebird mobile. The rest of the meeting was an open gathering where designated members who are proficient in ebird answered questions from those who were new to ebird or wanted to enhance their use of the ebird app. This was one on one education provided to any member.

The membership participated in this activity until 8:15 and then enjoyed snacks and socializing