NOVEMBER 15, 2017

President Hillman called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.

Present were Laura Hillman, Kris Hagglund, Nancy Bedan, Lori Turner, Eric Reuter, Eric Wood, Bill Mees, Doug Miller, and Lori Hagglund

The minutes from the October 18, 2017 meeting were reviewed and unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

Laura H briefly presented the report in the absence of Eric S. She noted that $910 were expended on the Band with Nature field trip for Columbia Public Schools (CPS) 2nd graders. There was modest income from a few additional membership dues, donations, and interest earnings.

CoMo Gives Committee Report:

Nancy B reported that the kickoff event was held on November 14, 2017, and both she and Bill M attended. CoMo Gives guides were obtained for distribution to CAS members. A total of 14 “testimonials” have been created for the CAS Facebook page, including 3 contributions that Bill M obtained from outside supporters, including Mike Sydlowski and Mike Griggs. These will be posted over the duration of the campaign.

A poster has been made and a sign is ready to be posted at CANS. Nancy will write an article for the CHAT, and a thank-you protocol has been created.

Future Programs:

Eric R proposed that the book-club—style meeting scheduled for February 2018 be held at Daniel Boone Regional Library rather than at the Unitarian Universalist Church for ease of access and a book-friendly atmosphere. This met with the board’s approval, as did his proposal to discuss “The Genius of Birds” by Jennifer Ackerman.

Christmas Bird Count Report:

Laura H reported that all the past leaders are lined up to run their usual areas, except for Paul McKenzie, who she will contact when he returns to town. She said that a few new people have contacted her this year asking to be included in a group. Lori T requested that an experienced birder be invited to join her group this year.


Automatic notices of upcoming events are being sent out through the new website.  Eric W has asked that all field trip notices be sent out on the Monday before their scheduled weekend. Doug M plans to follow a similar schedule for all other upcoming event notices. Eric R proposed that the variability of our new meeting structure may warrant sending a second notice 2 days before each month’s meeting, and the board agreed.

Field Trip Report:

Songbird Station has asked whether CAS would be willing to follow the Bluebird and Woodpecker programs that they hold for backyard birders with field trips focused on these species. This possibility was met with approval and will be discussed further at a future meeting.


Bill M reported that a Boy Scout is going to make 4 more benches for the remaining trail segment that was added to CANS last year. Jim Gast has asked whether CAS would be interested in locating a geocaching station at CANS. This was discussed, and it was agreed that it would be ok if it were located on the west side of the property and near a trail to limit the possibility of damage to any part of the area.

Education Report:

Wild Folk Learning Community contacted CAS asking for a meeting. They would like to team up with us in some manner. Bill M replied but has not yet heard anything back.

Bill M learned that CPS are sending a grant request to the Hawthorne Chapter of the Native Plant Society for a project they are planning at the Early Learning Center. Given that CAS is a Partner-Friend with the CPS Science Department, Bill M proposed that we contact the school system about putting in a nest box or bird feeder at this site in the future. This possibility will be pursued.

In the absence of Lottie B, Lori T reported that CAS has received two applications for Hog Island scholarships, one from CPS and one from Hallsville Public Schools.  Also, Lottie B will hold the next installment of her “Birdwise” program at the library this coming Sunday afternoon.

General Meeting:

Approximately 24 people attended the general meeting. Laura H and Nancy B spoke to the membership about the Christmas Bird Count and the CoMo Gives Program, respectively. After that, Kris H moderated a group presentation of bird and nature photos contributed by CAS members.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lori Hagglund, Secretary