by Nancy Bedan, Field Trip Chair
We hope you can make it!
Open House and Picnic Scheduled at Wild Haven Nature Area on Sept. 19
Columbia Audubon Society members, friends and neighbors are invited to an Open House and Picnic at Wild Haven Nature Area on Sunday, Sept. 19, from 3-6:30 p.m. CAS leaders will be on hand to visit with attendees about improvements completed and planned on the 103-acre property at 6900 E. O’Rear Road, northeast of Columbia.
Wild Haven’s natural habitat includes mature forest along a mile-long section of Hinkson Creek, a small remnant prairie and sandstone glades, as well as two small ponds. Columbia Audubon is working to remove invasive plants and restore natural habitats. CAS has recently renovated a shelter on the property, improved the two-plus miles of trails, and added a visitor parking lot.
Field trips to explore the Wild Haven trails will be offered at 4 p.m. on Sept. 19, followed by a brief Columbia Audubon membership meeting at 5 p.m. and the CAS annual picnic at 5:30 p.m.
Columbia Audubon will provide light refreshments during the Open House and drinks (water and canned beverages) for the picnic. Members and guests are asked to bring their own picnic suppers, plates and utensils, and folding chairs. Columbia Audubon will follow the Boone County Health Department’s virus protocol at the time of the event.
NOTE: In case of bad weather on Sept. 19, the Open House and Picnic will be held on Sunday, Sept. 26; members will be notified of a postponement by e-mail.
Driving directions to Columbia Audubon’s Wild Haven Nature Area: To get to Wild Haven from Columbia, take US 63 north to Route B. Go east on Route B. After crossing RR tracks (about 1 mile), turn right on Brown Station Road. Stay on this road through the stop sign at Route HH, then take the first right turn onto O’Rear Road. Follow O’Rear until it turns to gravel, then look for the Wild Haven sign and gate on the right (about a mile from Brown Station).