by Bill Mees, Nature Areas Committee
Bill Mees of the Nature Areas Committee has helped orchestrate the annual Band With Nature event with Columbia Public Schools. Here’s his report from this year of birds banded and many recaptures from previous Band With Nature events!
Attached is my summary report for bird banding with the 2nd grade program at Columbia Audubon Nature Sanctuary.
Highlights include:
We added a species to our list: Eastern Towhee!
41 new bands, top species:
White-throated Sparrow (18)
Black-capped Chickadee (14)
Northern Cardinal (6)
8 recaptures
3 tufted titmouse (one from 2023, one from 2022, and one from 2021
5 Black-capped Chickadee (Three from 2023, One from 2022, and one of Dana’s birds from before 2021) I have yet to hear back from her or the banding lab on the specifics for 275080030
Approximately 1400 students and over 75 adults participated in bird banding education activities as part of the three-day event.
Columbia Public Schools especially thanks CAS for this great event bringing 2nd graders out to CANS for an immersion nature adventure!