Join us for this evening walk through the mixed habitats of Rocky Fork Lakes Conservation Area in northern Boone County to listen for and hopefully hear the distinct sounds of Whip-poor-wills and Chuck-will’s-widows. These nocturnal birds are hard to see but fun to hear once their song begins from dusk into darkness.
Meet at 7:30 p.m. We’ll take a walk along a level trail/service road, and we’ll have time for a bit of late-day birding before the sun sets around 8:16 p.m. Expect to hike ~1.5 miles (round trip) over ~1.5–2 hours.
Meeting place: No carpool, meet at the southern parking lot at Rocky Fork. When entering the area, go straight past the outhouse parking lot and boat ramp, following the road along the lake’s southern shore until it ends at a curving lot. Contact trip leader Judy Lincoln with any questions: 573-530-0648.