by John Besser and Bill Mees, Nature Areas Committee

All bird photos by John Besser, Nature Areas Committee: Indigo Bunting, Black and White Warbler, and Summer Tanager. Interpretive Panel signs by Jan Mees.

Wild Haven wildflower walk draws a crowd

About 20 people turned out for wildflower walk led by Roxie Campbell on April 11. The weather was great and lots of early wildflowers were on display. Roxie gave us identification tips and taught us how human disturbance and invasive species are both bad for these small plants that are closely adapted to their microenvironment. Roxie had many wildflower specimens marked with information cards on along the yellow trail, and she plans to update this information as different species come into bloom the spring. Be sure to look for these updates during upcoming chapter events at Wild Haven.

Native plants added to CANS

Thanks to Eric Wood who obtained a number of Missouri native plants from Columbia Parks and Recreation and planted them at Columbia Audubon Nature Sanctuary.


Wild Haven bird walk, May 16, 830-1130 AM.

Mid-May is the peak of songbird migration in mid-Missouri, so it just didn’t seem like the right time to schedule a work day. Instead, we’ll have a leisurely bird walk, sampling the varied habitats at Wild Haven. We’ll start from the picnic shelter at 830 AM and we’ll be back by 11:30 AM. The terrain at Wild Haven is uneven and we may have to cross some wet spots, so wear sturdy shoes or boots. Rain date is Sunday, May 17.


Annual Picnic at Wild Haven, Saturday May 22. It’s been a few years since we had our traditional picnic at the Wild Haven shelter and it’s been over a year since we’ve had a face-to-face chapter meeting of any kind. We hope there will be a good turnout for this event. See the meeting announcement elsewhere in the CHAT for details. See you there!

June Work Day, June 13, 4-7 PM

We’re hoping to get in one more work day at Wild Haven before the heat and humidity of the summer. We still have a couple brush piles to burn, and the hiking trails will be due for a touch-up.






Columbia Audubon Nature Sanctuary Update:

Several months have passed since Boone Electric Community Trust awarded Columbia Audubon Society (CAS) $1056 for a trailside interpretive sign.  The sign titled Grassland Restoration Project highlights the many benefits provided by the prairie at Columbia Audubon Nature Sanctuary (CANS).  The 10 photos of birds and flowers were all provided by CAS members and friends.

Special thanks are owed to Allison Vaughn and Jim Gast for their assistance with the signs story. The final design is compliments of Doug Miller. The sign post installation was carried out by David Neely and Bill Mees. It’s a group effort.

Make an opportunity in your birding day to visit CANS and check out the new addition located in the southeast corner of the parking area along Scott’s Branch Trail.

Thank you, Boone Electric Community Trust.