The Missouri Conservation Corps, a local nonprofit, has been working hard on Kiwanis Park ecosystem restoration, including removing bush honeysuckle and planting native trees and shrubs.
What birds make use of this improved habitat? The Columbia Audubon Society has been asked to help find out!
On Wednesday May 8, near the peak of spring songbird migration, we’ll explore the park while listening to and looking for birds.
All skill levels welcome. If you’d like to borrow binoculars, please be in touch, as a few loaner pairs can be made available if needed.
Meet at the Talbert Thurston shelter, located west of Maplewood Drive. We’ll start at 7 a.m. and bird until about 9 a.m.
Please refer to the listing on the Columbia Audubon Society website ( for official updates on trip status.
Led by John Besser,