Birders, land managers, and nature enthusiasts: Join us for a bird and plant walk at Garth Nature Area! This can be a good place to watch winter birds, and it also has quite a diversity of non-native and invasive plants. If you manage a yard or a bigger piece of land, whether as an owner or volunteer, getting to know the characteristics of these plants can be useful. Many of these hold onto their leaves longer than native plants, so November is often a good time of year to study them. Species we’re likely to encounter include not just bush honeysuckle, but also Japanese honeysuckle, border privet, wintercreeper, winged euonymus, autumn olive, cutleaf teasel, callery pear, and more. And, of course, we’ll watch for birds with special attention to their interactions with the botanical environment. We’ll provide bingo cards for a fun and informative afternoon!
Trip is ON! If the weather forecast suggests unpleasant conditions, we may postpone to the following Sunday, same time (2:30 p.m.) and place. Please check the field trip listing on the CAS website before heading for the park.
To reach Garth Nature Area , go to 2799 N Garth, and turn west into the parking area. Bathroom available.
We’ll spend 2 to 2.5 hours walking level gravel trails with a round-trip distance of approximately 1.5 to 2 miles. Led by Joanna and Eric Reuter.