by Louise Flenner
Columbia Audubon Society
Board of Directors Meeting
February 21, 2024
Meeting conducted at Boone Electric Cooperative
Present: Eric Wood, Lori Turner, Louise Flenner, Shelby Thomas, Eric Seaman
Greg Leonard, Jim Gast, Bill Mees
Time called to order: 6:00 pm
Previous minutes:
Jim corrected last month’s minutes to reflect that the meeting started at 6:03, not 7:03. Jim moves we accept the January 2024 minutes with correction. Eric Wood seconds approval of minutes as amended. The motion carries.
Treasurer’s Report
Eric Seaman submitted a current report of expenses. The $10,418.28 check from ComoGIVES was deposited and will show up on next month’s report. The annual report to Natonal has been submitted. A draft budget for next year was distributed. It will need to be approved by May 31
Shelby reports 93 members with some new memberships.
Nominating Committee
Bill Mees and Lisa Schenker worked on finding candidates for open positions on the Board.
Bill reports Eric Seaman has agreed to remain as Treasurer and Greg Leonard will retain his position as Board Member.
Lottie Bushmann would accept nomination for President
Emma Buckingham accepts nomination for Vice President
Vickie Park accepts nomination for Secretary
Nature Areas
Bill reports he and David Neely are working on the outhouse at Wild Haven. Hope to have it finished by March.
Bill reports on deer mitigation on CANS. Last year only 2 deer were taken from Bonnie View hunt. If Archers shoot a doe it costs 8 dollars. CAS could agree to pay the 8 dollars. CAS could replace the broadhead or bolt that is lost on the arrow as incentive to have more deer killed.
Bill gave a talk to Kids First Optimist Club and they donated $100 to CAS.
David Neely arranged to have gravel spread on the parking lot at Wild Haven.
Chat articles are due by Feb. 24.
Education – nothing new to report
Field Trips
17 people went on the birding trip to Woodpecker Hollow with Jim Gast.
GBBC only had 1 person attend as most of the usual attendees were out of town.
Eric Wood did an interview with KBIA’s, Becky Smith.
Old Business – none
New Business
Lori wants to start working on a Google document to list what each officer’s duties are. The bylaws are a good place to start.
Next meeting is March 20, Nancy Bedan bringing snacks
Louise moved to adjourn, Jim seconded. Motion carries.
Meeting adjourned 6:35 pm