Upon review and board approval, final meeting minutes are posted to the Minutes page. Following are highlights of the unapproved minutes from the November 21, 2022 CAS board meeting:
Treasurer’s Report
Eric Seaman reports money was transferred from the PayPal Account to the General Account to increase security.
Nature Areas
John Besser reports a large, dead tree fell down in the wind and hit the kiosk. Bill Mees and David Neely responded quickly and propped it up with some repairs.
John also reports further discussion on the Barn Owl box that has been donated. It measures 3’X4′ and needs to be mounted on a post or a building. There is a building at Wild Haven that may be a possible site.
Louise Flenner, Nancy Bedan and Lori Hagglund hiked the trail at Wild Haven to establish a route for a moss trail. They were able to locate 10 different species of moss. One additional trail marker is needed. The trail project is on hold until after hunting season.
Bill Mees and John Besser met with Sarah Davis and several students who make up a stream team. They were checking Scott’s Branch Creek in CANS. The team found many interesting living organisms. They will also take samples from Hinkson Creek at Wild Haven. John will show them how to access this area. More information and photos will be available in The Chat. The team will continue to sample sites in the Spring and Fall.
John reports there are new seedlings showing up in the newly seeded native plant area at CANS. The weeds are very high and could use a brush hog to let in more sunlight.
John reports a $200 stipend for the person who mows at CANS is recommended and a $100 stipend for the mower at Wild Haven. Eric Seaman reports this money is available.
Field Trips
Eric and Joanna Reuters have agreed to serve as co-coordinators of field trips.
Dee Dokken wrote a letter of approval for the Solar Regulations that are proposed by the Boone County Planning and Zoning Committee. The letter was voted on via email by the Board and approved. Dee sent the letter on Nov. 10.
The National Audubon Society created a sign-on letter that will be sent to the House and Senate leadership urging for the prioritization of passage of the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA). The board voted via email and approved. Dee will take care of getting CAS signed up.
COMO Gives
Judy showed the Board the picture and text that will be used for the postcard campaign. Betsy Garret took the photo of a Northern Flicker.
There will be no Board meeting or General Membership meeting in December. The Christmas Bird Count will substitute for the membership meeting.
Kevin Wehner will help facilitate a Zoom presentation for the January meeting.
Bridget Butler will present on Slow Birding.
Judy Lincoln is considering having a program on owls in April.
Lottie Bushmann reports there is one fully completed Hog Island application. The others are nearly complete.
First Friday Birding Field Trips have been very successful. Lottie needs someone to take over leadership of these trips from January to April as she will be working.
Lottie suggests a possible Second Saturday birding trip designed especially for beginners.
Jim Gast and Boyd Terry met for the audit. Jim reports everything balanced out.
Old Business
The Board discussed the lists of pros and cons of a new Macbook or Lenovo laptop computer. The board decided on the Lenovo Pc.
Bill Mees has articles posted on the CANS information board about cats killing birds. This will hopefully increase awareness of the problem.
New Business
The Christmas Bird Count will be held Dec. 17. Every area is covered and data will be collected through ebird. The Chili Supper will be at 6:00 at Fairview Community of Christ Church. Judy Lincoln has reserved the Church. Lottie Bushman will do a write up for The Chat. A sign up list for bringing food was passed around to the membership.
Edge gave a very informative program entitled “Know Your Optics” that covered the details of how binoculars work, what the different settings mean, what to look for in a good pair of binoculars, how to focus for your individual preference and much more. She stressed that binoculars are not a one size fits all. Find the one that works for you. She also demonstrated the use of a scope, its tripod, how to carry and set up, and the different types. Following her talk, members were able to try out different binoculars that were generously provided by Mel Toellner, owner of Songbird Station.