We’ll carpool to Runge Conservation Nature Center in Jefferson City for a birding and nature hike through diverse habitats, walking through grasslands and forest and passing by ponds and a stream. In addition, managed gardens demonstrate the use of native plants in the landscape and provide inspiration for home gardeners. The Nature Center building offers views of bird feeders, plus exhibits including live fish and reptiles. Diverse habitats provide opportunities to see diverse birds, and the timing of this trip coincides with fall songbird migration. In addition to birds, there are plenty of nature-watching opportunities for the generalist naturalist. The Runge Biodiversity Project on iNaturalist documents over 1,500 species!
The carpool will leave the AC commuter lot at 8:00 a.m. and arrive at Runge at approximately 8:30 a.m. We’ll return to Columbia by about noon.
Well maintained trails traverse gently hilly topography. Hiking distance of up to ~2 miles. Restrooms are available.
For more information, contact trip leader Eric Wood at ewood802@yahoo.com or 573-673-0215.