by Edge Wade
The Missouri Birding Society(MBS) and Columbia Audubon Society (CAS) are providing bird occurrence information in partnership with the Missouri Department of Conservation and Columbia Parks and Recreation Department at the recently opened Alspaugh Park in Columbia. Stipulations in the gift of the park land to the City of Columbia include proscriptions of many typical park development features (playground, athletic fields, etc.). This is to be a nature park!
You are encouraged to bird the park and submit eBird checklists for the two hotspots designated for the park: Alspaugh Park for the portion on the south side of Mexico Gravel Road, and Alspaugh Park—Christmas Tree Farm for the areas north of Mexico Gravel Road.
The park has a very good variety of habitats. Join the fun of watching the eBird checklists grow as the seasons progress. You may bird there alone or in a group. Parking is at small lot on the south side of Mexico Gravel Road, east of the bridge over Hinkson Creek.