May 15, 2019

President John Besser called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.

Present:  John Besser, Nancy Bedan, Lottie Bushmann, Greg Leonard, Bill Mees, Eric Reuter, Eric Seaman, Lori Turner, Eric Wood

Minutes:  Bill M moved (Eric W seconded) approval of the March 20 minutes. Motion approved without dissent.

60th Anniversary Celebration:  The board reviewed the celebration financial report compiled by Jan Mees and thanked Jan for chairing the event committee. It was noted that CAS has a new member as a result of the 60th anniversary celebration.

Annual Picnic:  The board reviewed plans for the picnic scheduled for May 18 at the Bonnie View Nature Sanctuary shelter. It was noted that the last e-mail announcement about the picnic did not have the correct time for the morning bird walk. Eric R will correct the information and re-send the message. The message also will clarify that CAS will not provide food for the picnic and that those attending should plan to bring a main course, side or dessert to share.

2019-20 Budget:  The amount allocated for teacher and students grants will be increased to $6,000 in 2019-20 from $4,200 in the current budget. Bill M commented that CAS’ chances of receiving a grant from the Missouri Bird Conservation Initiative will be small in 2019-20, because there are more applicants and fewer funds available. Bill M moved (Lori T seconded) approval of the 2019-20 budget. Motion approved without dissent.

Treasurer’s Report:  The board reviewed the treasurer’s report.

Board/Officer Positions:  Lori T is completing the final year of her three-year board term. She has contacted a potential replacement, and she has another possible candidate in mind if the first person declines. The position of “Chat” editor is also open for 2019-20; Joanna Reuter has offered to assume that role if no one else volunteers this summer. Nancy B moved (Bill M seconded) that we accept Joanna R’s offer to be “Chat” editor, if no one else volunteers for the job and Joanna is still willing to serve. Motion approved without dissent. Eric W is stepping down as field trip chair, and Eric R may be interested in filling that position if no one else volunteers. John B will summarize the board and committee vacancies in a year-end report for the newsletter.

New Business:

  • John B reported on his meeting with Mike Powell, executive director of the Greenbelt Land Trust of Mid-Missouri. John noted that the two organizations have overlapping interests but also differences in priorities. John said they discussed having a joint field trip on the 100 Acres Woods property, now managed by Greenbelt. Both CAS and Greenbelt have been contacted by a landowner who would like to donate property north of Columbia for conservation management. John said CAS and Greenbelt might work together to make that possible. Board members suggested inviting Mike Powell to present a program for CAS.
  • John B presented a request from Danielle Fox, Columbia’s community conservationist, for assistance with the Youth Monarch Conservation Program. Danielle is working with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the 13th Judicial Circuit Court of Missouri to teach youth under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court about prairie ecology and monarch butterflies. She is asking CAS to help provide the youth with the opportunity to do field work in the CANS-Bonnie View prairie. She also is asking CAS to help provide lunch for the students on work days. Bill M recommended that CAS support the program, pending more specific information about the request.
  • Bill M reported attending the Columbia Public Schools Partners in Education breakfast. CAS previously received a five-year certificate for being a “partner-friend” with the CPS Science Department. He suggested that CAS consider becoming a full partner in the PIE program.
  • Bill M reported on vandalism at the Columbia Audubon Nature Sanctuary, where a small kiosk on the west side of the property was destroyed. He also noted that the bee hive at CANS survived the winter and that our current beekeeper will continue to care for the hive this year.
  • Bill M asked board members to suggest speakers for 2019-20 programs. He also noted that our laptop and projector are obsolete. Bill will look into getting a better projector, with input from Doug M.
  • John B has been contacted by the Endangered Species Coalition, an East Coast organization with a small grant program.
  • Nancy B reported that the board voted unanimously by e-mail to participate in the 2019 CoMoGives community fundraiser. Eric S will submit our participation fee.

Bill M moved (Greg L seconded) to adjourn. Motion approved without dissent.