As a participant in the city’s Adopt-a-Trail project, the Columbia Audubon Society adopted a quarter-mile segment of the Scott’s Branch Trail. Last fall, as a first step, all the bush honeysuckle was removed from this section of the trail, but improving habitat requires more than removing invasives.
Mark your calendar for April 28th when 200 seedlings delivered from MDC’s George O. White Nursery will be ready for planting. These seedlings (50 each of Witchhazel, Nannyberry, Roughleaf Dogwood, and Serviceberry) will be planted by CAS members and friends at the April 28th “Dig In” event at Columbia Audubon Nature Sanctuary, 3607 Bray Avenue. This is CAS’s effort to improve habitat by replacing invasives with Missouri natives.
Join the fun beginning at 9:00 a.m.; bring gloves, a shovel, and water for your own hydration. You might even need sunscreen by then.