by Lori Turner, President

I would like everyone to know that we have a Nominating Committee that is taking nominations for: President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer and Director. These are the positions that will be expiring on May 31st. Bill Mees and Lisa Schenker comprise the committee and they have a slate of candidates:

President (2 yr. term): Lottie Bushmann

Vice-president (2 yr. term): Emma Buckingham

Secretary (2 yr. term): Vickie Park

Treasurer (2 yr. term): Eric Seaman

Director (3 yr. term): Greg Leonard

We will vote on the slate of candidates at the general meeting on Wednesday, April 17th.

If anyone is interested or would like to nominate someone, please send to Bill Mees at

We had a fantastic turnout for our February meeting that was presented by the “Owl Man” Mark H.X. Glenshaw. His presentation, “How to find an owl in your neighborhood,” was observed by 62 attendees, most of which were not CAS members. He gave us tips and tricks on when and how to spot owls while out and about while making sure we give them plenty of room as not to stress them during their active period of the day, which is at dusk and at dawn. If you missed the program, it will be on our YouTube channel soon. You will get an email notification when it is uploaded and ready to be watched.