by Lori Turner, President
I’m sorry if you had to miss our April presentation, Forest Park Owls: Hiding in Plain Site. Those in attendance listened as Mark H.X. Glenshaw told stories from his 18 years of studying the pair of Great Horned Owls in Forest Park that he lovingly named Charlie and Sarah. I don’t want to give any spoilers so I’ll just say that he covered how he found the pair and what they’ve been up to since 2005. If you plan a trip to St. Louis it will be worth your time to schedule an Owl Prowl with him at Forest Park. You can email him at to see if he’s available.
Please join us May 21st from 3:00 pm to 7:30 pm for our CAS picnic at Kiwanis Park, West Side Odor Shelter. We’ll go birding at Kiwanis Park beforehand, and then get together for dinner. CAS will provide plastic ware and plates and soda, but otherwise it’s a BYOB. If you want to make this a green event, bring your own flatware and dishes. It’s a potluck, so bring food to share with our friends.
See you there!!