by Nancy Bedan
Approximately 35 Columbia Audubon members and special guests participated in an all-day “Big Sit” on Saturday, Oct. 16, at MU’s Bradford Farm–our first CAS field event since spring 2020.
Vicki Park, Edge Wade, Noah Strycker, Lottie Bushmann and Paul McKenzie talk birds.
Noah Strycker, author of “Birding Without Borders,” joined us for most of the day. Noah delivered the keynote presentation at the annual meeting of the Friends of the Mizzou Botanic Garden on Oct. 15, discussing his global “big year” in 2015 when he visited 41 countries and documented 6,042 species of birds. Columbia Audubon was a co-sponsor of the event. MU Professor Cheryl Rosenfeld was instrumental in arranging Noah’s visit to Columbia.
CAS birders listed a total of 35 species Oct. 16 at Bradford Farm, including seven species of sparrows. Birds were seen from the Big Sit circle and on forays into the surrounding fields. (See list below.) The weather was in the low 60s and breezy.
The event was organized by Field Trip Co-Chairs John Besser and Eric Wood. Participants enjoyed doughnuts, a brat/burger lunch and snacks, thanks to CAS Board Member and “chief food manager” Lottie Bushmann. Bird List for CAS Bradford Farm “Big Sit” (Oct. 16, 2021)