by Bylaws Committee:  Jim Gast, Edge Wade, and Bill Mees

Please read the proposed bylaws that are being offered for your consideration and approval.  Some of the amendments are necessary to comply with life under COVID-19.  Currently there are no provisions for conducting the business of CAS electronically.

Additionally, this presents an opportunity to clarify other questions:  1. How many eligible votes accompany a family membership? 2. How many days notification is needed prior to an unscheduled Board meeting, unscheduled membership meeting, or membership vote?  3.  Emergency Board action (Executive Committee), who, how many, what constitutes a quorum?  4. Indemnification of individual Board members subsequent to threatened or impending legal action.

These amended bylaws are intended to facilitate operations in the electronic age.  Other changes clarify previously asked questions and concerns to provide openness and fairness for all the members of Columbia Audubon Society.

The new bylaws are included in this issue of the CHAT and on line (  Please review them.  There will be a vote to accept these amended bylaws at the membership meeting to be held at Wild Haven on May 22, 2021.