Ask someone in your group for help with eBird data entry.
Select an existing eBird hotspot or personal location or click on your location on the map to set up a new personal location.
DON’T use your CBC area as a location.
DATE AND EFFORT. (Important for the CBC compiler)
Date / Start time / Duration /Party size
Observation type [Traveling or Stationary]
Distance [Use one-way distance if you re-trace your route]
Write in ‘Columbia CBC’ and your Area number here.
Record names of group leader and party members
Add notes on weather
ENTER SPECIES, COUNTS and species comments
SUBMIT YOUR CHECKLISTS using one of the following methods:
Enter your checklist(s) into your personal eBird account and share it with the CAS group eBird account using ID, ‘casbirddata’ (and with your Area leader).
Enter your list directly into CAS shared account by logging into the CAS account (ID=casbirddata; password=wildhaven).