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Due to unfavorable weather forecast and concerns about coronavirus safety, this event is being postponed.
Eagle Bluffs Conservation Area, one of the region’s premier bird-watching and conservation areas, will celebrate its 25th anniversary this year with an open house on March 14 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (read about the history of Eagle Bluff’s founding here). The Columbia Audubon Society is planning to station guides at various important locations throughout the 4,431 acre area to answer questions, lead hikes, and help visitors experience and appreciate this special place. In addition, the local Delta Waterfowl chapter will be preparing and serving a free lunch for all visitors.
If you have questions about CAS participation in this event, please contact CAS president John Besser. If you have general questions about the event, please contact EBCA manager Brady Lichtenberg.