by Louise Flenner, Secretary
Columbia Audubon Society
Board of Directors Meeting
March 20, 2024
Meeting conducted at Boone Electric Cooperative Community Room
Present: Lori Turner, John Besser, Judy Lincoln, Eric Seaman, Eric Wood, Shelby Thomas, Reed Gerdes, Greg Leonard, Louise Flenner
Time called to order: 6:04 pm.
Previous Minutes
One Correction was made in the spelling of Dave Neely’s name, corrected from Nealy to Neely.
Judy Lincoln moves we accept the February 2024 minutes with correction. John Besser seconds the motion. The motion carries.
Treasurer’s report:
Eric reports $2000 from last year’s budget will carry over to next year for Wild Haven invasive species control.
$21,165 is the proposed budget for 2024. Vote to approve the budget will be taken at the April meeting.
Nature Areas:
*John showed the Board some pictures of the new outhouse at Wild Haven. Bill Mees and Dave Neely did a wonderful job with this project.
*There is some concern about vandalism at Wild Haven. Particularly now that we are investing more time and money into upgrading it.
*There will be a meeting of John Besser, Bill Mees, and Dave Neely to discuss the future use of Wild Haven.
*There is a birding field trip planned at Wild Haven on March 23. John is planning a Field Trip at Wild Haven in early June.
*Bill has reported that the original bee colony at CANS died and there will be an effort to set up a new one there, however, the new hive located on the West side is still active.
*Lori wonders if we could contact Scouts, 4H or local Colleges about service projects.
Allison got an email asking if we wanted to advertise in BoomTown. Full page is $995, ¼ page is $275 per year. Board discussed having an ad. Will check with Allison to see if she wants to do this.
Shelby says nothing new to report. 97 members. Membership expires in August.
Field Trips:
Slow Birding trip is scheduled at Wild Haven on March 23.
Upcoming trips not yet scheduled include a trip to Rudolf Bennitt State Wildlife Area and Judy Lincoln plans to have a trip to see Chuck-will’s-widow and whip-poor-will at Finger Lakes State Park.
Tonight is a program on invasive species removal.
May 19 will be the annual picnic. It will be a potluck with CAS providing drinks and plasticware, table cloth. Wild Haven will be the location. Eat at 6:00. Birding walk beforehand at 3:00.
September, October and November meetings will be held at Boone Electric.
A Home Schooler event is planned for May 2 at 9:30 at the 3M nature area. Lottie and Lisa requested help with this event. Contact Lottie to volunteer.
Nominating Committee:
No new candidates have been identified since the last meeting. A vote for candidates will take place at the next meeting on April 17 at Boone Electric.
Eric Wood moved we adjourn. Judy Lincoln seconded the motion. Motion carries.
Meeting adjourned at 6:49.
Respectfully submitted by
Louise Flenner