by John Besser

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected just about everything Columbia Audubon Society  has done over  the past year, but we have fought to maintain some of our traditions, including the Boone County-wide bird count held on the traditional ‘Big Day’, the second Saturday in May.

Our ability to conduct this count during the pandemic has a lot to do with the availability of eBird, which allows numerous teams of socially-distanced birders to share their checklists with the chapter’s eBird database, ‘casbirddata’. Once the data is in this account, it is pretty simple to download all the data for the count day and tally up the species and total numbers of birds seen countywide or in each count areas. Now that the count data is compiled, CAS has our own archived digital version of the data, and all the data is still available to Ebird users,.

Table 1. Summarizes the results of the 2021 count. We received 92 checklists from 14 count areas, representing 141 party-hours in the field. Our species total was 183, with a total count of almost 19,000 birds.

The most impressive feature of the species list is undoubtedly the 30 Warbler species, which includes species that often seen in central Missouri, including Cape May Warbler, Connecticut Warbler, and Swainson’s warbler. Also impressive were the 13 species of shorebird and 11 species each of waterfowl, sparrows and flycatchers. On the other hand, it’s disappointing to see only a single Eastern Whip-poor-will reported from Boone County.

The number of species observed in each county area varied widely depending on quality of habitat in the level of count efforts. The two areas of the highest species count were 10A, which includes Eagle Bluffs (135 species), and area (117 species), which includes most of the heavily birded City of Columbia. I’ve attached a spreadsheet that lists the species seen in each of the count areas.  So check out the total for your area, and think about what species may have been missed and where to find them during the next Boone County migration count!

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped make this count happen

Species Count
Snow Goose 1
Canada Goose 599
Goose sp. 1
Mute Swan 3
Wood Duck 52
Blue-winged Teal 718
Northern Shoveler 11
Gadwall 4
American Wigeon 6
Mallard 98
Green-winged Teal 2
Ring-necked Duck 1
Duck sp. 6
Northern Bobwhite 8
Wild Turkey 26
Pied-billed Grebe 3
Rock Pigeon 29
Eur. Collared-Dove 13
Mourning Dove 209
Yellow-billed Cuckoo 14
Common Nighthawk 2
Chuck-will’s-widow 3
E. Whip-poor-will 1
Chimney Swift 21
Ruby-thr. Hummingbird 40
Virginia Rail 3
Sora 49
American Coot 135
Semipalmated Plover 10
Killdeer 37
Dunlin 8
Baird’s Sandpiper 1
Least Sandpiper 300
Wh-rumped Sandpiper 133
Pectoral Sandpiper 491
Semipalm. Sandpiper 37
Wilson’s Phalarope 8
Spotted Sandpiper 39
Solitary Sandpiper 5
Greater Yellowlegs 14
Lesser Yellowlegs 421
Gull sp. 5
Black Tern 1
Dbl-crested Cormorant 31
American Bittern 2
Great Blue Heron 227
Great Egret 180
Snowy Egret 1
Cattle Egret 2
Green Heron 4
Turkey Vulture 618
Mississippi Kite 1
Northern Harrier 1
Sharp-shinned Hawk 1
Cooper’s Hawk 3
Bald Eagle 19
Red-shouldered Hawk 28
Broad-winged Hawk 2
Red-tailed Hawk 42
Buteo sp. 1
hawk sp. 1
Great Horned Owl 3
Barred Owl 7
Belted Kingfisher 4
Ylw-bellied Sapsucker 4
R-headed Woodpecker 74
R-bellied Woodpecker 131
Downy Woodpecker 71
Hairy Woodpecker 10
Pileated Woodpecker 28
Northern Flicker 11
American Kestrel 6
Peregrine Falcon 8
Olive-sided Flycatcher 1
Eastern Wood-Pewee 64
Acadian Flycatcher 17
Alder Flycatcher 4
Willow Flycatcher 4
Least Flycatcher 49
Empidonax sp. 8
Eastern Phoebe 49
Gr. Crested Flycatcher 149
Western Kingbird 3
Eastern Kingbird 110
Scis. tailed Flycatcher 3
Flycatcher sp. 6
White-eyed Vireo 51
Bell’s Vireo 8
Ylw-throated Vireo 30
Blue-headed Vireo 13
Philadelphia Vireo 3
Warbling Vireo 66
Red-eyed Vireo 114
Vireo sp. 1
Blue Jay 201
American Crow 172
Fish Crow 55
Crow sp. 1
Blk-capped Chickadee 118
Tufted Titmouse 252
Horned Lark 19
N R-winged Swallow 149
Purple Martin 30
Tree Swallow 231
Bank Swallow 420
Barn Swallow 680
Cliff Swallow 921
Swallow sp. 2300
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 19
Re-breasted Nuthatch 1
Wh.-breasted Nuthatch 43
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 166
House Wren 34
Sedge Wren 1
Marsh Wren 34
Carolina Wren 35
European Starling 410
Gray Catbird 55
Brown Thrasher 33
Northern Mockingbird 7
Eastern Bluebird 69
Veery 1
Gray-cheeked Thrush 8
Swainson’s Thrush 181
Hermit Thrush 1
Wood Thrush 33
American Robin 388
Cedar Waxwing 1
House Sparrow 171
House Finch 39
Pine Siskin 56
American Goldfinch 279
Chipping Sparrow 63
Clay-colored Sparrow 1
Field Sparrow 69
Lark Sparrow 20
Wh-crowned Sparrow 194
Harris’s Sparrow 1
Wh-throated Sparrow 90
Savannah Sparrow 34
Song Sparrow 29
Lincoln’s Sparrow 9
Swamp Sparrow 2
Eastern Towhee 41
Sparrow sp. 4
Yellow-breasted Chat 41
Ylw-headed Blackbird 6
Bobolink 219
Eastern Meadowlark 91
Orchard Oriole 31
Baltimore Oriole 110
Red-winged Blackbird 1125
Br-headed Cowbird 273
Common Grackle 327
Great-tailed Grackle 5
Blackbird sp. 125
Ovenbird 10
Worm-eating Warbler 3
Louisiana Waterthrush 25
Northern Waterthrush 27
Golden-winged Warbler 9
Blue-winged Warbler 7
Black & white Warbler 22
Prothonotary Warbler 32
Swainson’s Warbler 2
Tennessee Warbler 78
Nashville Warbler 66
Connecticut Warbler 1
Mourning Warbler 1
Kentucky Warbler 34
Common Yellowthroat 163
American Redstart 59
Cape May Warbler 2
Northern Parula 120
Magnolia Warbler 16
Blackburnian Warbler 6
Yellow Warbler 108
Chestnut-sided Warbler 29
Blackpoll Warbler 1
Palm Warbler 16
Pine Warbler 1
Ylw-rumped Warbler 29
Ylw-throated Warbler 19
Prairie Warbler 3
Blk-thr. Green Warbler 13
Wilson’s Warbler 7
Warbler sp. 3
Summer Tanager 68
Scarlet Tanager 6
Northern Cardinal 634
Rose-br. Grosbeak 68
Blue Grosbeak 12
Indigo Bunting 421
Dickcissel 201