by Brooke Widmar, Conservation Chair
Golden Plovers pass through Missouri on their way back to the breeding grounds in the Arctic tundra.
Start off the new year speaking up for birds, and take actions to stay informed on state, national, and global issues!
According to the National Audubon Society, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is home to over 200 bird species. While this refuge is almost 3,000 miles away from us here in Missouri, it’s critical land for a number of birds we get to enjoy during migration. One of my earliest and most favorite field trips with my old chapter was a visit to the prairies of Dade County in southwest Missouri to see American golden-plovers one spring. These small birds have the longest migration of any other species, and fly through the central U.S. on their way to the arctic from South America.
What can you do to protect important habitat for these birds, and many others?
– Through the National Audubon Society Action Center, citizens are being asked to support permanent protection for the wildlife refuge by contacting their senators through their website here.
– Add your name to the growing list of concerned citizens who are against the current administrations rushed attempt at leasing the land for drilling:
Learn more about this here
– Sign up for Audubon’s Action Network to receive alerts for bird-related advocacy opportunities: