Global Big Day is May 8 this year, the second Saturday of the month. CAS will be participating through eBird. Much like the Christmas Bird Count, each group will enter their checklist in to eBird as usual. Groups should submit as many checklists for their count area as needed to reflect what locations they birded and when. Also, use the ‘checklist comments’ field to indicate which area you counted. Checklists that are to be part of the Boone County migration count must be shared with the Columbia Audubon Society’s’ eBird account, using the username, ’casbirddata’. You can share the checklist either in the field using the eBird mobile app or later on the eBird website If nobody in your account group uses eBird, you can enter the data into the CAS account directly rather than sharing it. To find a group to join, contact Laura Hillman at For more details, see the article in the May Chat.