by Edge Wade

State ornithologist Sarah Kendrick’s careful, page-by-page analysis and revision Enjoying Missouri’s Birds, a 42-page 6.5×9” FREE revised edition just out in March 2021 has a new sub-title:  A Beginner’s Guide to Birding.  It’ s available from MDC’s Nature Shop, either by toll-free phone at 877-521-8632 or online at, or at regional MDC offices, MDC nature centers.

Every bird enthusiast in Missouri should have a copy in the house and another in the car. Clearly written, concise sections such as “What to Notice About Birds,” “Features to Note,” and “Other Clues to Identification” provide a foundation for getting comfortable with a full, enjoyable experience of watching birds.

The “Habitats” section covers five general habitat categories and what species to expect in them for birders venturing beyond the backyard.

The 51-page bar charts of Missouri’s expected bird species (color-coded for habitat and augmented with region designation) are up-to-date with current taxonomy and state sighting records.  Missouri Bird Records Committee secretary Bill Rowe’s contribution of his intimate knowledge of species’ occurrence in dates, region, habitat and abundance make this edition’s charts the most accurate source available.

Want to know what to expect in your yard or the nearby pond or woods, and when to look for the first hummer or oriole, or why that bird is attacking your window and what to do about it?  Get this free booklet!  Better yet, get a half-dozen and share with friends.